×- comb.form., prefix. indicates that the following taxon is a hybrid. Usually applied as a prefix to a generic name or to a specific epithet. A hybrid generic name is generally compounded from the presumed parental genera. [< multiplication symbol]
xe·no·ge·ne·ic (zē´nō jə nā´ik) or xe·no·gen·ic (zē´nō jen´ik) adj. of or pertaining to tissues, organs, or organisms deriving from another taxon than that among which they are present. [< Gk. xénos ξένος stanger, alien + geneos γένεος race, kind, descent + -ikos -ικος belonging to, relating to]
xe·ri·scape (zē´ri skāp´) v.t. garden in such a manner as to feature xerophytes in situ. —n. a garden or landscape created in this manner, such as the Jardin Exotique de Monaco. [< Gk. xēros ξηρός dry + MDu. scap view, representation]
xe·ro·mor·phism (zē´rə môr´fizm) n. the state or condition of possessing structural features which enable an organism to live in arid habitats. [< Gk. xēros ξηρός dry + morphē μορφή form, shape + -ismos -ισμος state or condition]
xe·ro·mor·pho·sis (zē´rə môr fō´sis) n. the situation where stress upon the water metabolism of a plant produces structural changes to leaf anatomy. [< Gk. xēros ξηρός dry + mórphōsis μόρφωσις production of shape]
xe·ro·mor·phy (zē´rə môr´fē) n. the structural characteristic of possessing features which enable an organism to live in arid habitats. [< Gk. xēros ξηρός dry + morphē μορφή form, shape]
xe·ro·phile (zē´rə fīl´) n. an organism which is adapted to growth in an arid habitat, and which also normally thrives in such conditions. [< Gk. xēros ξηρός dry + phīlos φῖλος loving] —xe´ro·phi´lous, adj.
xe·ro·phi·ly (zē´rə fī´lē) adj. the state or condition of thriving while growing in a relatively arid habitat. [< Gk. xēros ξηρός dry + philía φιλίᾳ affinity]